Accept nothing less than greatness from yourself, in every aspect of life. Demand it of yourself. Do everything in your life with the intention of being great.

No more mediocrity.
No more giving in to resistance.
No more just getting by and going through the motions.
No more just showing up.
No more people that do not align with my vision.
No more staying silent.

GREATNESS ONLY is repeated in my head throughout the day. It is my approach to waking up at 4am. It is my approach when fighting the resistance in my life. It is my approach to being a husband. It is my approach to the gym. It is my approach to the last reps of a set. It is my approach to doing the things I dont want to do throughout the day. It is my approach to learning. It is my approach to my relationships. It is my approach to life. It is what I live by.

I will demand greatness from myself and everyone I choose to be surrounded by, I will accept nothing less. I will be the greatest. I will be the greatest husband. I will be the hardest worker in every room. I will stand for my beliefts. I will be heard. I will lead my family. I will provide. I will defend my family by any means necessary, with words or violence when called for. I will be prepared for all situations. I will be and effective man. I will be a good man. I will be a peaceful man. I will be a dangerous man. I will do what I’m supposed to do, when im supposed to do it, whether I feel like it or not. I will learn the skills that will help me bring my vision to life. I will work relentlessly to bring my vision to life. I will leave nothing to hope. I will be the greatest at everything I do.

To be great you dont need 6, 7, 8 figures in your bank account, your dream car, and your dream house. Being great could be you’re an amazing husband, an amazing parent, you work your ass off at whatever you do to provide, you drive a car that gets the job done, and you live in a 700sqft apartment.
Greatness is not what you own. Greatness is the person you are. Your actions and how you go about them. Your approach to everything in life.

This life is for me.
I am as powerful as I want to be.
I am unstoppable. I am a fucking killer. 
I am capable of anything.

And so are you,
look in the mirror everyday and remind yourself.